Compared to other libraries, frameworks or programming languages, React is relatively easy to learn. It isn’t a heavyweight framework like Angular, and it’s intuitive. In a nutshell, React is a JavaScript library used to build user interfaces for websites and applications. Other than all this, the way React is built makes it advantageous for developers. Its feature of reusable components and unidirectional data flows not only saves time and money on development but also makes it easy to reuse and debug. Additionally, it embraces SEO and its components making it easy for you to rank the Google search engine.

Here’s a great resource to help you learn about JSX in React. It won’t be much fun if you have created something cool with ReactJS and cannot showcase it to the world. So, you should know how to deploy the app and make it available for public access. You should be aware of how to use npm, yarn, and node version manager to help you run and test a ReactJs app locally.

Learn React: Start of a Frontend Dev Journey

It can also show you how to make AJAX requests and how to build a news app. The course is free to take, but it does have a monthly What Is SQL Programming Language subscription fee if you want access to the full range of features. With the pro plan, you can earn a certificate upon completion.

  • As an example, here’s a tutorial about styling your React apps with TailwindCSS.
  • It’s quick, it’s easy, and there’s less room for human error.
  • That’s really something for the Facebook React team to be proud of.
  • We learned earlier that React elements are first-class JavaScript objects; we can pass them around in our applications.
  • That is to say, the way you design/build a website is very different from a mobile site.

That means it uses a more natural way of describing what should be displayed on the screen. Additionally, since React is component-based, you can more easily manipulate and reuse small, independent pieces in different parts of your application. Because React is the programming library behind Facebook’s website, it has to be extremely optimized and performant. Inside React the are components like the reconciler, optimizer and scheduler that make it so fast, but as developer, all we care about is it just works fast and reliably. Unlike other JavaScript libraries, The Facebook React team built application state into React from the start. You can think of state as referring to what’s the value of your JavaScript variables at any given time.

Prerequisites for Learning React

For example, many developers will use Node.js with React to utilize server-side rendering. It gives you the flexibility to write awesomely fast and clean code while using any other technologies that your project calls for. I learned more ES6 and Vanilla JavaScript doing React than I did Angular. When you use React, everything is in Vanilla JavaScript, instead of some framework version of the language .

If you are just getting started with ReactJS, you should understand life cycle management for functional components. You can do this using the in-built hooks like useState, useEffect, and so on. In ReactJS, you can create components using JavaScript classes or simple functions. I advocate using functional components as it is more straightforward and require lesser coding. As a beginner, you may not want to spend too much time in Babel or Webpack related configurations for your projects.

why learn react

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript-based user interface library. It is insanely popular in web development communities today. React Native is equally popular among mobile application developers. Despite competition from Vue.js and Angular, React is proving developers’ go-to choice for building exciting web applications. Whether you’re a developer looking to upskill, or a business leader looking to improve your digital offering, there’s a tonne of reasons to learn React. Once you have a solid grasp of programming, web development, and JavaScript, check out our Learn React course.

React is open source, meaning it is completely free to access. Developers are encouraged to modify and enhance the library. Inspired by XHP , React was first deployed on Facebook’s news feed in 2011 followed by Instagram in 2012.

current community

Learn the basics of modern React by solving 140+ interactive coding challenges and building eight fun projects. Multi-step project where you apply everything you learned to build an online supermarket app with stripe checkout integration. The lessons & challenges will guide you through these topics step by step while building the online supermarket shopping app. To make that possible, you will read short lessons, solve challenges and projects while learning the best practices, one step at a time. Try the first 67 lessons, challenges & flashcards for free.

why learn react

And if you need an overall beginner’s guide to solidify these concepts, here’s an in-depth React Handbook to get you started. Here’s a helpful video you can check out to Top 11 Data Mining Techniques of 2022 understand the React component lifecycle. And here’s an article that’ll teach you React Hooks basics. We discussed that the “state” is a component’s private matter.

If the data flow was bi-directional then additional features would be required for its functioning. Components are supposed to be immutable means that the data within these components should remain unchanged. To keep the data flow unidirectional there is a pattern used called flux. It makes the application highly flexible thereby increasing the efficiency of the web project.

Setup for the Tutorial

Our ReactJS tutorial includes all the topics which help to learn ReactJS. Faculty at Columbia University where I teach Digital Literacy. Start learning React today, and boost your hireability and income potential. Web Dev and Web Design channel on Discord is one of the best channels to connect with similar minded people who are out there to help you in every step of your journey. Wes, the instructor, takes his students from every aspect of a real-life app, including animation and design. It shows a beginner everything and teaches enough to go out there and dig deeper.

React is straightforward once you have the basics down, and mentors from your class, workplace, or online community can explain it to you in a way you can understand. You might fear being left alone once you finish your React courses, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. React is one of the most widely supported JavaScript programs, and it’s used by over 8,000 companies and over 42% of developers that work with JavaScript. That means most people will have JavaScript knowledge and can answer your questions as they arise.

You can upgrade to a Pro account with a one-time payment that gives you access for 5 years. Offered by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, this course is a bit more formal than other options. Furthermore, React is designed to be extensible, so you can create your own custom components and use them in your application. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

React tackles this problem in a unique way; it keeps a “virtual DOM,” which is a copy of the actual DOM that is being displayed to the user. You will find there is no predefined way to structure your app. To ensure you get the most from React, you’ll need to spend a little more time researching and implementing popular and effective ways to structure your app.

  • JSX is a React extension that makes it easy for web developers to write React code by using a simple, HTML-style syntax.
  • This is, maybe, the biggest reason why people are learning React.
  • He’s experienced writing on topics including jobs and technology, digital marketing, career pivots, gender equity, parenting, and popular culture.
  • Note how in handleClick, we call .slice() to create a copy of the squares array to modify instead of modifying the existing array.

If you are thinking of starting ReactJS and looking to get a step-by-step approach, this article is for you. Also, if you are a ReactJS developer who is wondering what advanced topics to tackle next, give this article a read. These complex build processes also make the long-term maintenance of your applications much more difficult. Because of the build tool complexity, your choice of tool can ultimately be as restricting as your choice of front-end framework in terms of maintainability. If your application has a build tool configuration that is outdated, it can be a challenge to find new developers that will be able to maintain it. While React is an excellent technology, the introduction of next.js has taken its popularity to the next level.

🟡 Life Cycle Methods in React

To start with, you’ll need to know how to use foundational front end programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You should also learn how to use Git and Node Package Manager . Acquiring these skills before you attempt to tackle React will make the learning experience go much more smoothly.

Next, we need to change what happens when a Square is clicked. The Board component now maintains which squares are filled. We need to create a way for the Square to update the Board’s state. Since state is considered to be private to a component that defines it, we cannot update the Board’s state directly from Square.

That current state will determine what is ultimately rendered to the uses browser. React developers end up with a long list of dependencies that need to be manually tracked and added to a dev environment. Whereas in other frameworks like Angular, these tools come standard and you may not have to stop and think about them. Productivity can also be improved through the use of React Developer Tools. These tools can be added as an extension to both Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, allowing developers to inspect and debug apps more efficiently and code more quickly.

However, there are a few important differences between the two platforms. Hence all the Google searches for “JavaScript libraries vs frameworks”. React initially skyrocketed 🚀 to fame because it made fetching and showing data in your JavaScript apps much easier than before. Because React is “just” a library instead of an elaborate framework, it was – and still is – relatively easy to learn.